Setting up Audiocodes MP-112 FXS with Lync

We needed a small low cost device to fit the customers fax needs so this is how we did it.

The setup on MP-112 is very similar to MP-114.
So I followed this excellent guide:

But when trying to call the device it failed.
I used the Snooper and the mediationserver logs showed 404, unknown.
This was quite easy to fix.

Lync routes the call to the MVP with E.164 standard.
Seems I followed the above guide blindly without really thinking :)

I just needed to add +47 in the phone number table and everything worked.



  1. Do, you now what the error could be if we cant place calls from the analog device?
    I can make calls to the analog (but no sound)

  2. If the call itself goes throug but there is no sound it means two things.
    Your SIP signalling is OK but your media is not getting throug.
    Usually this means your RTC flow is not working.
    A wireshark trace would probably show that this is the case.
    I would be so bold to say that in 80% of the cases with no sound it's related to FW/network issues blocking the media flow.

    1. I have what sounds like the same issue. I can call to the analog, but there is no sound from the speaker. I can't make calls out of the analog phone either. What in the FW/network would block outbound flow?


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