Cloud Connector Conciderations when planning for deployment

Migrosoft Cloud Connector "Edition" / CCE is soon available for general release.
There are som considerations when planning to use  the CCE.

The short short version:

  • Each CCE consist of 4 VM's. Edge, Mediatiom, FrontEnd and domain controller for CCE.
  • These VM's are pre packaged and only need a few lines of configurations.
  • A limit of maksimum of 4 CCE's pr SITE in the topology.
  • A maximum of 500 siultaneous calls. 501 calls = additional CCE.
  • Each CCD can connect to several PSTN providers.
  • When hosted a maximum of 70% of user can connect externally.
  • You cannot integrate third party systems like Contact Centers / switchboard systems with CCE.
  • You cannot integrate with existing PBX.

A typical deployment would look like this:

Multiple CCEs in a deployment:


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