
Showing posts from 2016

Competella teams up with Audiocodes with Contact center for Cloud

Mini computer and conference speaker all-in-one from HP

Mini computer and conference speaker all-in-one from HP

Why you should never route internal Skype4B media traffic externally.

Skype for Business Video Broadcast Series

Easily hide users from address book in Skype for Business/Lync via powershell

Skype for Business Media Quality and Express Route

Skype for Business Cloud Connector is now GA

Cloud Connector Conciderations when planning for deployment

The QoECube database was found on the spesific server...

Skype for Business Cloud connector Firewall rules

In which country can you get PSTN Conferencing?

Critical Error – Start menu and Cortana aren’t working. We’ll try to fix it the next time you sign in - SOLVED!

Certificate error from Polycom DMA 7000 after upgrading to Skype for Business

Skype For Business in Line upgrade failing.

Kvantel to deliver Azure Expressroute in Norway.

No missing calls in Skype For Business Office 2016 Client

Move application pool is now available in Skype for Business